Automatic Re-prime, Remko Self priming pumps feature a large volute/casing which allow them to re-prime automatically.
View RangeRemko end suction back pull out pumps are designed and built to international standard of DIN 24255 or ISO 2825. Ideal for many applications. Remko ensures a robust, long lasing, high performing product
RC ISO series pumps are interchangeable with other similar pumps, conforming to the same standards.
Remko Mechanical Diaphragm pumps available in both Electric & Petrol/Diesel options. Self priming, will run try without damage, flow rates up to 210L/min. Suitable for a huge range of applications
Remko is the tough solution
for submersible pumping. Engineered to last and
developed for the most
demanding applications,
Remko is relied on in a wide
range of industrial, processing,
mining, municipal and building
service installations.
Remko Mechanical Diaphragm pumps available in both Electric & Petrol/Diesel options. Self priming, will run try without damage, flow rates up to 210L/min. Suitable for a huge range of applications